Effectiveness of Different Marketing Activities

Below is a list of marketing techniques and my own personal views as to what typically tends to be effective (ie provide value for money) and what isn’t.

Look out for those activities with a low score (because that’s good) on cost/time and a high score on impact, such as asking clients for referrals: 

Marketing Activity
Cost/time Impact Comment
Brochure for firm H L A necessary evil? But just an expensive calling card?
Brochure for product H M For credibility? Use to provide evidence of your capability
Technical bulletin or newsletter M H Credibility; more persuasive than brochure?
Annual review magazine M M Avoid it being too overtly salesy?
Advertising H L Increasingly being used. Not persuasive for professions?
Advertorial (ie paid space) H M Article more persuasive
Sponsorship H L Difficult to measure?
Directories H L Not used by most clients? Helpful for recruitment?
Receptions/ golf days/ watch sport H L Works best as a thank you to clients
Client lunches M H Good for building relationships if used well
Using technology (eg Extranet) L M Vehicle for tailored material? Interactive good.
Social networking (blogs, LinkedIn etc) L M An opportunity while so few partners using social media?
Themed lunch (discussion with small group) L/M H Credibility; builds relationships. Invite external speakers?
Industry research or surveys H H Expensive, but can be useful. Involve associates?
Articles in trade journals M L/M Must be well written and relevant
Press releases L M Need to follow up with journalists
Briefings for journalists L H Give leads and quotes. Give media training
In-house seminars M H Credibility, builds relationships. Minimise ‘chalk and talk’!
Speaking at conferences L M Pick the good events and good speakers
Chairing a conference L H Establishes you as the authority
Asking clients for referrals L H Just needs courage!

Key: H=High, M=Medium, L=Low

Any techniques I’ve missed out? Any challenges to my scoring?


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